Multi-family Construction

A Firm Built on Efficiency

In a world where the monthly mortgage payment for a given home will continue to appreciate along with its value, the importance of multifamily real estate begins to come to light. After all, in September 2022, housing starts dropped below its 1.5 million historical average.

Thankfully, multifamily builders are here to help curb the disturbing trend with what could be a homeownership opportunity amid a disturbing housing shortage.

That’s where Interstate Construction Corp fits into the swing of things. We are experts in the field and can provide an efficient service level to those looking for a reputable multi-family construction firm.

So let’s take a moment to go over a few things we think you should know about multifamily housing starts, development costs, and more!

What Does the National Multifamily Housing Council Have to Say About these Developments?

Each national association will tell you that the number of starts that multi-family construction companies have worked on increased by 16.5% in 2022. Why is this?

Well, if you looked at a median-priced home compared to what it would be in the previous year, you would find a trajectory that meant people who could previously afford the housing the year before could no longer do so.

Our aim with multi-family construction is to provide opportunities for those who may not be able to own single-family homes.

Why Should You Trust Us for Your Multifamily Construction Needs?

It starts with our customer service. Multi-family residential construction is a trade that works best when the client is involved and when communication flows clearly.

That’s why we ensure that we put you at the center of everything we do and never leave you out of the loop.

Apart from the customer side of things, there’s the way we operate. We take a small and lean approach that allows for efficiency.

Repetitive builds happen to be a place in which we shine which is the kind of thing you want to hear about a multi-unit residential construction firm that you are about to trust with such an important project.

Information You Should Know About the Costs of What Should Be Affordable Housing

American multi-unit residential construction, while it provides an answer to the supply chain issues, market factors, and other elements causing mortgage rates, still comes at a cost.

As someone who will become a customer of a multi-unit residential construction company, it’s imperative that you understand the landscape of these costs and what they can mean for you.

Bear in mind that we advise all potential clients to request an estimate for a rundown of what costs will likely look like for your specific needs. With that said, let’s briefly examine how the development costs are estimated.

First, there’s a reliance on historical knowledge, which calls on data from previous projects that we have completed. Think about the way appraisers use the sales comparison approach when they’re looking at different properties to make a decision.

This will provide a good ballpark estimate to work with in the early stages. A professional estimator will also be a part of the process, which aims to ensure that the cost provided is as accurate as possible.

Giving a client a somewhat precise idea of what the landscape looks like before breaking ground is the mark of an efficient multi-unit residential construction company.

What Does Our Process for the Construction of Multifamily Units Look Like?

Bear in mind that our actual process is very involved and spans various essential elements. What you see here is a simplified version to make the workflow easier to follow.

We begin with a bid request after working to understand the parameters of the project. There will likely be five or more units. You may need parking to be accounted for in a particular way. Government regulations are a factor. Essentially, anything that affects the design or the multi-unit residential construction cost is brought to the table here.

The idea is to put in a bid that is reflective of the efficient way in which we approach projects to avoid going grossly over budget, having scope creep, or dealing with avoidable construction delays.

Once the bid is awarded, we can then execute our project plan and let the construction begin.

Do We Only Work on Multifamily Developments?

As you can likely gather, multifamily construction is one of our areas of expertise, and current buyers only stand to benefit from the work we do. Be that as it may, this is not the only area in which we have demonstrated a high level of capability.

Franchises, hotels, retail, schools, hospitality, and office buildings are other areas in which our team is proficient.

Wrapping Up

Multifamily units provide a great option for those who are affected by the continuously rising costs of standard single-family homes. Be that as it may, the developers working on any such project need to have the qualifications and experience needed to pull the job off successfully.

Interstate Construction Corp has you covered in this regard, thanks to extensive expertise and a high level of service delivery. We provide free multi-unit residential construction estimates to potential clients to help them prepare for the road ahead.

Reach out to us today by calling (708) 310-0615 or by sending an email to

Frequently Asked Questions

Single-family structures are freestanding and do not share common walls with other residences. On the other hand, developments from multifamily construction have separate units within one structure.

It’s a great way to own a home more affordably, especially if you want to expand your portfolio and earn more income.

There are a bunch. However, the number of units, location, and cost are a few of the big ones.